Mind You
Be the best YOU - using NLP, EMDR (eye movement desensitising & re-processing, EFT (tapping), IET (Integrated energy techniques) clinical hypnotherapy and coaching techniques.

Integrated Techniques and Therapies incorporated:
Clinical Hypnotherapy -
Understanding the make-up and language of the unconscious mind, skillfully using the latest techniques to make deep and lasting changes.
Hypnotherapy is a skilled communication aimed at directing the clients resources in a way that helps to elicit changes in some, perceptions sensations, feelings, thoughts and behaviours.
Recent studies support its efficacy in both Adults and Children specifically with irritable bowel syndrome and management of its associated pain. The National Institute for Health and Clinical Guidance (NICE) recommends the NHS refer patients for hypnotherapy if symptoms of IB persist after taking prescription medication.
Registered Hypnotherapist

NLP (Neuro Lingustic Progamming)
Using the most up to date techniques and processes to assist in sending out the shoots of new neural pathways - accessing and stimulating the areas of the brain for changework to take place - operating from the point of view that we all have the same potential.. it is just our opening of these new neural pathways (neuroplastisity). Creating true and lasting change happens when something becomes more important to us..it is in building and strengthening these neural pathways that NLP excels - leading us to where we want to be rather than where we currently are.....
iET (Integrated energy Techniques)
Gentle, holistic and nurturing way to empower and balance your life, assisting in releasing past unuseful patterns - Feelings/sensation are stored in the cells of the body, negative or traumatic expriences, stress, supressed emotions, fear,confusion, anger, guilt, resentment and limiting beliefs - can become stuck in the body, disrupting the vital flow of energy we all have, at a deep cellular level it is these blocks that can deplete our energy, limiting our experience of life causing DIS-EASE..
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)
​Psychological acupressure technique, based on the same energy meridians as used in Chinese acupuncture. The most up to date research shows a link between rounds of EFT (tapping) and the physiological calming (reduction of neurology) to the Amygdala ( simplified...the guard dog reaction centre in our brain!), particularly useful in calming unwanted behaviours : Panic Attacks, stress, nervous or unwanted adrenaline response as well as dealing with past trauma, assisting movement forward with our own true focus, this technique has truely changed lives and I believe an essential tool for everyone of all ages - being the link between our unconscious mind and the patterns we live our lives by. A simple technique to learn as a beginner we can assist you in developing your own relationship with this brilliant and most elegant psychological tool.